Managed Security and vCISO Services
Offering effective, common sense solutions that balance cost and user functionality with the confidentiality, integrity, and availability protection requirements of your critical information assets.

Information Security Solutions
All too often smaller organizations find themselves at greater risk of fraud, theft of information, hacks, virus outbreaks, etc. Small organizations simply do not have the resources to stay on top of all the security threats and vulnerabilities they face on a daily basis, to say nothing of all the regulator and industry compliance issues they face. We meet the contemporary challenges of our customers by evaluating their current security posture (technical and physical), program processes and procedures, and security knowledge base of the organization’s user base to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s security training. We offer a wide variety of information security services. Our focus is on information security practice management and all of our services have the goal of improving your information security program. We meet the contemporary challenges of our customers by evaluating their current security posture (technical and physical), program processes and procedures, and security knowledge base of the organization’s user base to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s security training.
Information Security Solutions
Bgesh, Incorporated offers effective Information Security solutions that balance cost and functionality without compromising security standards. Bgesh supports the NIST 800 and DODI 8500.2 standards as they relate to Risk Management and Information Assurance operations.
Protecting your data from state actors, hacktivists, and disgruntled employees should be a top priority, but don’t tackle security alone. Bgesh and its partners can give you the knowledge and support to defend your network. We have partnered with Managed Security service providers to offer around-the-clock Managed Security Services.
We offer a menu of services designed to test key aspects of your IT infrastructure, policies, and security protocols. Through our assessments, remediation, and testing services we can identify and close any security loopholes.
Bgesh realizes every organization is different and so too are their cyber security needs as our customers are spread throughout multiple industries in both the public and private sectors. Our pride is offering our clients robust services with the flexibility and affordability required to secure their operations. Whether your organization is a rural cooperative or a Fortune organization, Bgesh has a capability suitable for you.
Virtual Augmentation with Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC) Bgesh is able to offer the most robust range of services with 24x7x365 support, live updates, active and passive defense augmentation and remediation services. Allow the Bgesh team to provide you with a range of cyber security benefits without impacting your human resources, office space or capital expenditures. Through our Virtual Augmentation offerings, Bgesh will be able to provide you with a dedicated off-site team to protect your organization. Our Virtual Augmentation affords Executives direct access to the team as direct reports.
Identifying and Mitigating Advanced Cyber Threats. The Virtual Augmentation within a CSOC setting enables Bgesh to provide active and passive security monitoring, intelligence collection and analysis, network remediation/patching and live reporting.
Incident Response. Quick-React Response to incidents, Containment, Incident Source Analysis, and Remediation. All reports are transmitted to Executives with Incident Summaries and Detailed Analysis with thorough recommendations on preventing future incidents.
Reduced Liability. Many industries are soon to be impacted by government standards of regulation regarding cyber security. Bgesh reduces an organization’s liability by staying abreast of emerging threats, changes and updates to regulations specific to a client’s industry, and thorough documentation of Bgesh supporting our clients’ legal and compliance needs.
Security Monitoring. Dedicated Staff with 24x7x365 support.
Cyber Security Staff Augmentation. Not every organization requires the support of a fully-functional operations center that operates around the clock. But some situations do require technicians to conduct cyber security operations within a client’s facility. Bgesh is able to augment certified and compliant staff that may be dedicated to a client organization on-site.
Bgesh sources talented professionals and serves as the administrative conduit for providing for the well-being and guidance of the augmented staff.
Augmented Staff operationally report to the client’s organization, but all administrative human resource functions are managed by Bgesh. The client needs only worry about focusing on core business matters.
Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V). Bgesh aims to establish a consistent method for providing IV&V technical services to customers, sufficient to ensure safety and risk mitigation for the successful deployment of software-intensive systems. IV&V, as a part of Software Assurance, plays a role in the overall organizational software risk mitigation strategies applied throughout the lifecycle, to improve the safety and quality of software systems. Bgesh has developed a Technical Framework to support IV&V services:
- Management and Planning
- Verify and Validate Concept Documentation
- Verify and Validate Requirements
- Verify and Validate Test Documentation
- Verify and Validate Design
- Verify and Validate Implementation
- Verify and Validate Operations and Maintenance Content
As a means of enabling our customers to have on-demand assurance of their organization’s data security, Bgesh offers all services on an as-needed-basis. Organizational stakeholders may determine during a board meeting that a quarterly network vulnerability assessment may be required to provide assurance to their insurance company of the integrity and security of their internal networks and their customer data. These may also be one-time assessments to fulfill a requirement or to assuage any “spot-fear” related to internal disputes that may arise from time to time.
- Network Vulnerability Assessments Local and Remote Assessments
- Continuous Monitoring (24/7)
- Daily Reporting
- Third-Party Assessment Verification
- Inspect Internal and External Pathways
- Remediation Local and Remote Support Options
- Dedicated Security Personnel
- Baseline Configuration
- Patching
- Reporting – Detailed Reporting outlining:
- Back doors
- Audit Logs
- “Captured Information”
- Penetration Testing Virtualized or Real-Time
- Internal or External Networks
- Wireless Networks
- Mobile and Web Applications
- Physical Device and Peripherals
- Social Engineering
- Targeting & Exploiting (customer sets the scope) Technical and infrastructure data
- Employee data (SSN, PII, PHI, Financial information)
- Customer Data (SSN, PII, PHI, equity accounts, credit info, bank info, supplier data)
- Partner Data
- Cloud services account data
- Company Proprietary info (Trade secrets, R&D data, source code)
- Human assets: divulge information (key personnel, executives)
Agency Services
Remediation provides vulnerability mitigation services based on the results of internal Vulnerability Assessment through baseline testing and rehabilitation, Security Posture Improvements, and Updates/Patches to Operating Systems.
Policy Development customizes and delivers security policies to the customer using industry best practices to ensure that users, infrastructure, and the organization are protected.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Development is a service provided to help stand up a new cyber security platform or integrate new solutions in a pre-existing architecture. Our ISOs are equipped to understand organizational and regulatory requirements to help develop a meaningful, and robust process.
IT Manager Security Training provides instruction and certification that enables an IT Manager to stay abreast of current threats, common exploits and emerging tactics to provide for the IT defense of an organization. Courses may be offered in a classroom setup or through a one-on-one basis in order to maximize value and time.
User Security Awareness Training provides instruction and presentation of completion certificates that educate the information system users on the policies and on general cyber security practices.
Disaster Recovery Program Development When it comes to an IT disaster – whether it’s natural or man-made – the big question is: can you recover? When it comes to an IT disaster – whether it’s natural or man-made – the big question is: can you recover? With Bgesh’s Disaster Recovery Program (DRP)– you will have the complete set of people, processes, tools and environments to ensure comprehensive, compliant and effective testing and data recovery. The benefits of DRP are clear:
Predictable cost savings
Guaranteed recovery through regular testing
Increased productivity, since we minimize the DR workload for your staff
Predictable outcomes and an assurance that your data and applications can be recovered within the defined time-frame